Monday, May 19, 2008

Guns on trial

Mayor Nutter is trying to help the city curb it's gun problem by enacting very mild restrictions on gun purchasing and ownership responsibilities in Philadelphia. "The five city ordinances passed April 10 ban the sale of assault weapons; require owners to report a lost or stolen gun within 24 hours; and limit firearms purchases to one a month."- AP

Who needs more than one a month?

Why are assult rifles even legal again?

Isn't it common sense that you should report anything stolen, let alone a gun?

These all seem like pretty straight forward motions that would never inhibit a responsible gun owner from enjoying thier right to own a gun or seven. But the NRA and the Pennsyltucky state council are so stubborn and power hungry that they are suing Nutter and the city to repeal these proposed laws therefore making it easier for people to buy multiple guns and sell them to angry ignorant kids on this city's streets and never take responsibility for their actions.

Click here and choose the email link at the bottom right to ask Frank DiCicco to support Mayor Nutter's measures that will help curb the flow of guns to the streets.

On the left side of that page there are links to all the city council members if you have a couple minutes to send them your message of urgency about the growing violence.

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